KwaZulu-Natal Master Builders Association elects first woman President
The 115th Annual General Meeting of the KwaZulu-Natal Master Builders and Allied Industries Association held in June 2016 marked an historic moment in the Associations’ long and illustrious history with the election of the first Woman President of the Executive Council.

Joyce Dolly Tembe of Sakhisizwe Development Training was sworn in as President of KwaZulu-Natal Master Builders Association
Joyce Dolly Tembe of Sakhisizwe Development Training was sworn in as President during a solemn ceremony, which took place at the Master Builders Centre in Westville. “We will continue engaging with other associations and stakeholders effectively in opening the doors of engagement in a more effective manner in this industry”, said Tembe.
She further indicated that strategies would continue in terms of expediting transformation, training and skills development and assisting in research and policy development with a view to making recommendations pertaining to the construction industry in order to promote the B-BBEE Act and the Transformation Charter.
Outgoing President, Mogamat Behardien indicated that during the period under review a large amount of construction took place throughout KwaZulu-Natal with a major growth spurt in the northern region. In addition, significant improvements were made to infrastructure in the greater Durban area as construction of new road interchanges and bridges completed. However he made reference to the challenges experienced due to water shortages with some townships and districts having no supplies at all for days on end.
The keynote speaker was Professor Theodore C. Haupt who conveyed to members that construction education is in crisis! Professor Haupt stated that there is a serious mismatch between what universities continue to produce and what industry actually needs:
“Universities have not acknowledged that there is a problem. Most universities are busy curriculating new qualifications in response to what? Has industry been consulted? Has industry given input? Probably not! The likely outcome could be a suite of qualifications that just perpetuate the mismatch. Instead of addressing the problem holistically, universities have adopted an Elastoplast approach by trying to patch existing curricula. They are persisting in pursuing an instruction or teaching paradigm instead of a learning paradigm which will produce the graduates that industry needs. Industry can proactively get involved as partners in addressing the problem by:
– Getting involved in the curriculum
– Engaging with students
– Supporting lecturers
– Communicating with academic programs and
– Increasing budgets for research and development.”
Vikashnee Harbhajan, Executive Director of Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal, announced that the Association has experienced significant growth in membership over the last year, achieving a record high of 781 members on its database. She reiterated that Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal prides itself on transformation initiatives and made reference to the Emerging contractor programme, bursary fund and Vuka Makhi programme.
It was also pleasing to note that the Association once again boasts an unqualified audit report.
The A-Z of Building , a book designed to assist contractors to improve their building and pricing skills and published by Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal, was launched at the 2016 AGM. In line with the Association’s focus on key programmes and initiatives to promote quality in the KZN building industry, the book will be provided to members in the quest for building excellence.
The Executive Director took the opportunity to congratulate the newly elected President and Executive Council Members and informed members that the Association remains committed to serving their best interests.
The Executive Council elected for the next term of office is as follows:
– Joyce Dolly Tembe, Sakhisizwe Development Training (President)
– Mogamat Behardien, NMC (Pty) Ltd (Immediate Past President)
– Chris Cusens, WBHO Construction (Pty) Ltd (VP)
– Vic Naidoo, C & R Contractors (VP)
– Sam Ngcongo, Bencon Building and Civils (VP)
– Francois Louw, Met Builders (VP)
– Phumelele Bam, Zenzulwazi Plumbing and Contracting
– Marcus Gonzalves, FS Gonzalves Construction
– Ayanda Notshweleka, Masakane Construction
– Thys Blom, Plankonsult
– Vuzi Mhlungu, Umpheme Development (Pty) Ltd
– Roy Ramkalawan, Nambiti Plumbers CC
– Lance Ridl, Ridl Construction
– Delisile Nyanda, Lakeshore Trading 102 CC
– Rob Bremner, Liviero Building Pty Ltd
– Ray Basson, Anthony and Basson Development Pty Ltd (co-opted)
– Roland Mudaly, Aveng Grinaker LTA (Pty) Ltd (co-opted)