Welcome to Master Builders South Africa Congress 2016

Neil Cloete, President, Master Builders South Africa.

Neil Cloete, President, Master Builders South Africa

Master Builders South Africa celebrates it 111th Congress at the Durban ICC from Wednesday 31 August to 2 September 2016.

We have assembled several top speakers representing the private and public sectors from South Africa and from across the continent to stimulate innovative and topical conversations and to share relevant information and insights into topical issues such as infrastructure development, industry transformation, project procurement and funding and construction health and safety, amongst others.

Congress 2016 is aimed to be an inclusive event bringing together all key stakeholders ranging from building contractors – both established and emerging, representatives from the national and provincial Departments such as Labour, Public Works, and Human Settlements, local government, regulatory bodies in the industry suppliers of building materials, financial institutions, and many more.

A special word of thanks too goes to our sponsors who, through their ongoing support over the years, play a significant role in making Congress the success it is.

We welcome you all to Durban and trust you will find the Master Builders 2016 Congress to be stimulating and rewarding.

Neil Cloete

President, Master Builders South Africa.

Posted in MBA and MBSA news.

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