World Plumbing Conference, Cape Town ICC, 15-16 September 2016 – REGISTER NOW

The11th World Plumbing Conference (WPC) 2016 will be hosted by the Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) and the World Plumbing Council in Cape Town from 14 to 16 September

The 11th World Plumbing Conference (WPC) 2016 will be hosted by the Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) and the World Plumbing Council in Cape Town from 15 to 16 September

The City of Cape Town, South Africa – together with the Institute of Plumbing of South Africa (IOPSA) and and the World Plumbing Council (WPC) – are hosting the World Plumbing Conference (WPC 2016) at the Cape Town International Conference Centre on the 15th and 16th September 2016.

People from around the world will come together and discuss ways of doing plumbing better, learning from each other and most importantly participating in breakaway sessions on Water, Sanitation, Energy and Environment. Yes, plumbers have a responsibility in all these areas directly and indirectly.

Speakers from South Africa and the City of Cape Town and around the world will gather to present talks and encourage discussion around the theme of “Regulations for sustainable plumbing – a case for international standards.”

Speakers like Dr Doulaye Kone of the Gates Foundation will speak on “the human right to having access to water and sanitation. Dr Sadhvir Bissoon, Executive standards, SABS will speak on standards and their role in sustainability. Mr, Dhesigen Naidoo, CEO of the Water Research Commission will discuss Water and Plumbing a symbiotic relationship.

Mr. Shayne La Combre of the Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre will discuss cost effective and efficient methods in the provision of water and sanitation together with the impact on the health of people and nations. MR. Dave Viola of the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) will speak on the effect of global warming on water supply, water recycling and alternatives methods for sustainable plumbing.

Mr. Mike Muller, well known ‘water man’ worldwide will be the conference chairman.
These are followed by an array of international and local session chairs and focus speakers who will encourage the discussions to come out with outcomes for better plumbing, conservation of water and alternative solutions to serve all the people of the world.

WPC will be supported by an exhibition, skills simulation and community plumbing challenge with four countries, USA, India, SA and Australia remodelling and design toilets for use in townships and rural areas providing dignity to those in these areas. Entrance to the exhibition, skills simulation and challenge is free by registering online or at the entrance to the exhibition. Click here to register for WPC 2016

Posted in General.

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