Accolades pour in for Stefanutti Stocks Building KZN record Lost Time Injury (LTI) free hours achievement
In March Stefanutti Stocks Building KZN released its unprecedented record of having worked 3 031 818 hours without a lost time injury. January 2019 marked the 58th month of being lost time injury free, over some 23 projects, a record of which the company is of course extremely proud – and which it intends to maintain through 2019 and beyond.
South African Builder congratulates Stefanutti Stocks Building KZN on this outstanding achievement.
To whom it may concern
Stefanutti Stocks Building KZN Lost Time Injury (LTI) Free hours milestone as at 31 January 2019
As at 31 January 2019 Stefanutti Stocks Building KZN have worked 3 031 818 hours without a lost time injury. January 2019 marks the 58th month of being lost time injury free, a record of which we are extremely proud of and intend to maintain this in 2019 and beyond.
Considering ours is a very high risk and labour intensive industry, achieving these kind of stats is no doubt remarkable. This achievement would not have been possible without a strong management commitment, a comprehensive and constantly evolving OHS program and more importantly support from our employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and organisations like the MBA KZN and FEM.
The regular and timely OHS campaigns and constantly improving safety induction programmes have no doubt played a significant part in creating a culture of health and safety awareness on all projects. We acknowledge that more work lies ahead of us if we are to remain accident and incident free but it is a challenge we look forward to as we owe it not just to our employees but to our clients, contractors and the public alike.
“Stefanutti Stocks Building KZN have displayed their unwavering commitment to health and safety over the years. The company is renowned for winning multiple awards for excellence in Health and Safety at both provincial and national level. It comes as no surprise to the industry that they have achieved this remarkable milestone as it demonstrates their commitment towards managing and maintaining a safe and incident-free environment. Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal congratulates Stefanutti Stocks Building KZN on yet another exemplary milestone.” Vikashnee Harbhajan – Executive Director, Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal.

From left to right: Mark Stewart, Contracts Director, Stefanutti Stocks Building KZN; Vikashnee Harbhajan, Executive Director, Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal; John Dorning, Managing Director KZN, Stefanutti Stocks Building KZN; Neil Enslin, Health and Safety Manager, Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal
Dear Sivan and Howard,
Congratulations to you and your team on this outstanding achievement. I hope, Industry at large can adopt some of the initiatives and best practices that you have adopted in order to achieve successes such as this. Congratulations once again.
Lennie Samuel,
Forensic Investigator,
Inspection & Enforcement Services,
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Office
From: Smallwood, John (Prof) (Summerstrand Campus North) []
Sent: 13/March/2019 11:09 AM
Cc: ‘’;; Ishmail Cassiem; Tibor Szana (HQ); Phumi Maphaha (HQ); Lennie Samuel (DBNPO); Hilton Ganesen; ‘Claire Deacon’; Nomvula Rakolote; Petra Devereux;
Subject: 58 months of lost time injury free work
Dear Howard and Siven
Congratulations to you and your teams wrt this notable achievement.
Prof John Smallwood
A small selection of projects which contributed to this commendable feat: