MBA NC Elects Andrews as President
At it’s 75th Annual General Meeting held in Kimberley the Master Builders Association – Northern Cape (MBA NC) elected Graham Andrews as its President for the 2019/2020 period. Keith van Rensburg was elected as Senior Vice President and Eddie du Toit as Junior Vice President.
During his presentation the outgoing President Keith van Rensburg emphasised the fact that during the past year there had been a significant downturn in the Industry with no notable contracts currently in the pipeline, except for the Sol Plaatje University ongoing projects. Most of these projects has been done by sub-contractors from beyond the borders of the Northern Cape.

The newly elected Executive Committee members are as follows: From left: Martin Jooste, Dudley Dally, President Graham Andrews, Snr. Vice President Keith van Rensburg and Jnr. Vice President Eddie du Toit. Absent were Yolande Botha and Kobus Duvenhage.
The implementation of the minimum wages had no great effect on the Building Industry in the region, as most contractors were paying their employees above the stipulated rate before implementation.
The MBA NC is holding head above water even though membership is declining. He thanked all members for upholding the Association and expressed hope that the future becomes brighter for all parties involved in the Industry.
Following the meeting the winners of the regional Health & Safety Competition were announced:
1st Place: Kobus Duvenhage Bouers in the R20-50 million category for the New Factory for Solar Salt Processors Upington.
Kobus Duvenhage – Plant & Yard Inkuba Ready Mix Upington.