Passionate about light steel frame construction
Just a decade ago light steel frame (LSF) building technology was a revolutionary new construction technique in South Africa. Within a few years it rapidly started gaining traction due to the efforts of a small number of pioneering companies in this technology.
One such company is Light Steel Frame Supplies (Pty) Limited based in Alrode, Gauteng. Founded by Peter Wiehahn in 2014, LSF Supplies is built on the unique concept of being a one-stop-shop supply service to the lightweight steel framing industry. They offer and supply lightweight steel frame wall panels, flooring systems, internal and external cladding, thermal and acoustic insulation options, roof sheet manufacturing, aluminium windows and doors as well as conventional and curved trusses. They also offer a variety of fasteners to secure frames, cladding and roofs in the lightweight steel framing process. This niche company offers a full turnkey material supply solution to the LSF market.
“Our track record speaks for itself,” says Wiehahn, CEO of LSF Supplies. “As a company, our passion for light steel frame construction shines through, and our dedication to innovation, quality of design and workmanship and most importantly – customer satisfaction – is the key to our continued success.”
Wiehahn’s experience in LSF construction stretches over a decade which offers him the needed know-how to serve the LSF industry with products and expertise. In 2008 he founded Steel Home Company and constructed light steel frame buildings in all sectors across Africa – from residential to retail, commercial and industrial as well as infrastructure such as banks, schools and clinics.
With this knowledge Wiehahn soon realised that the LSF industry needed a specialised organisation to service numerous construction enquiries and multiple building service providers who needed products and guidance in this building technology.

In this Before and After example of a residential light steel frame
building, the importance of attention to detail in the design phase
is evident. Once the foundation is ready, final and accurate
measurements are taken on site. Adjustments are made to the design
and a manufacturing file is created for the steel roll former – this
results in a perfect fit of the LSF structure to the foundation.
It is important to note that the wall cladding overhangs the foundation
by 10 mm, thus mitigating the ingress of rain water.
A prerequisite of this project was the client’s request that the plaster
finish and colour were matched exactly to the existing home out of
picture on the left.
LSF Supplies now has five construction teams still under Steel Home Company, all trained in-house to high skill levels in light steel frame construction. Supported by three design engineers, LSF Supplies operates an impressive fully automated factory using the latest technology in lightweight steel frame roll forming and roof sheeting. The capability of this production facility is second to none. “At LSF Supplies we place a high priority on research and development,” continued Wiehahn. “For each project undertaken we spend significant time with the client in order to fully understand his or her specific needs. In the process we develop unique methodology to suit that project to ensure that it is completed in the most efficient manner to the highest quality in every aspect.”
“Built-in quality control processes are in place throughout every step of the design, production and construction phases. Our unique approach ensures fast and efficient construction with concurrent finishing, in such a way that teams don’t work over each other. We now have this technique perfected, providing the LSF industry with a distinct competitive advantage in terms of speed and quality of build, as well as cost effectiveness.”
“By spending time on the initial design, with appropriate checks and cross-checks throughout, we ensure that all is in place prior to project start – then the rest falls into place.

LSF Supplies has a dedicated roofing division
specialising in the design and construction
of light steel frame roofing and trusses. This
technology offers architects and designers
significant creative scope, in that curved roofing
and unusual shapes can be achieved with
relative ease.
In addition to its own construction teams, LSF Supplies also works closely with a hand-picked group of specialist sub-contractors, aligned to the LSF Supplies work ethic.
Once construction has started on a project LSF Supplies conducts weekly site-meetings with clients as well as with sub-contractors.

This project was very demanding in that accuracy of logistics prior to
construction played a critical role. Following design, all elements were
pre-manufactured in South Africa prior to being transported by road to
Kuito Bea in Angola.
The site itself presented its own challenges being laid out on difficult
terrain in an industrial area, with a significant mains sewage leakage
nearby. Nonetheless, the LSF team completed this 600 m2 project in a
mere 9 ½ weeks from time of arrival, with no construction hitches
or delays.
Retail and Commercial
Retail Shop: Project Scope: Construction and finishing of the complete 600 m2 shop from foundation to roof was pre-packed for construction and assembled on site in Kuito Bea, Angola.

Completed in just 8 weeks,
this structure demonstrates
the efficiency and speed of
construction for which light steel
frame building is renowned.
Infrastructure: Schools and Clinics
School hall: Project Scope: full turnkey, design and construction of a 400 m2 school hall in light steel frame, including foundation, flooring, roofing and finishing.
Red Farms Market Project: Project scope: Design, manufacturing and installation of 4 000 m2 industrial porthole building.

Skeletal structure and 4 000 m2 roofing were done for this project.
This structure lend itself to ground breaking innovative design using
LSF engineering software and also realised significant savings
compared to a conventional steel structure. Instead of a heavy-duty
crane, a lighter and much smaller crane was deployed to hoist the
lightweight steel main beam structure at a far lower cost.
LSF Supplies offers a complete turnkey construction solution in conjunction with Steel Home Company and is a one-stop-shop for contractors operating in light steel frame construction. In addition, they also offer a wide range of light steel frame kit-buildings with a selection of customised cladding finishes.
A light steel frame structure leans itself to energy efficient design, Green building and “off grid” living from the outset.
LSF Supplies (Pty) Limited
Tel: (+27) 011 864 0052 / 3 and and