ACHASM announces 2018 Summit date

ACHASM announces 2018 Summit date

The Association of Construction Health & Safety Management (ACHASM) has announced details of its annual two day Summit to be held at Belmont Square Conference Centre, Belmont Road, Rosebank, Cape Town on 1 and 2 October 2018.

The summit theme “The Role of Procurement and Supply Chain Management (SCM) in Construction Health and Safety (CHS)” will focus on issues and processes related to appointing and managing stakeholders in terms of health and safety (H&S).

“This focus will include the interface between clients, construction project managers, construction H&S agents, designers, quantity surveyors, contractors (construction managers), subcontractors (construction managers), and suppliers, including construction H&S managers and officers, and other stakeholders,” says Prof John Smallwood Head of the Department of Construction Management at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU).

The theme was identified due to the role of procurement and SCM in H&S, the issues that arise, and mention of the supply chain relative to ‘accidents’, and collapses in the media.

The broad objectives of the summit are to:
• Educate and inform all stakeholders with respect to the role of procurement and SCM in construction H&S;
• Promote the practice of construction H&S risk management;
• Promote accountability, ethics, professionalism, and leadership, in managing procurement and the supply chain relative to construction H&S, and
• Provide a platform for exchanging ideas and networking with like-minded professionals.

Presenting organisations
Representatives of, among other, ACHASM, Artis Mavin, cd&a, Eppen-Burger & Associates, Essential SHEQ, Federated Employers Mutual (FEMA), Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC), Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT), MBA Western Cape, Nelson Mandela University, Peri, and the South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) will present at the summit.

Stakeholders who should attend
The programme is designed for a multi-stakeholder audience comprising:
▪ Client organisations (public and private);
▪ Architects;
▪ Engineers (civil, electrical, mechanical, process, and structural);
▪ Construction and Construction Project Managers;
▪ Construction H&S Agents, Managers, and Officers;
▪ Property developers;
▪ Quantity surveyors;
▪ Contractors (general and co-contractors);
▪ Consultants (H&S and Construction Management);
▪ Union representatives;
▪ Government (Construction Industry Development Board, Department of Labour, Department of Public Works);
▪ Insurers (Compensation Commissioner, and FEMA);
▪ Media

This two-day summit has been validated by the SACPCMP, who will award 10 CPD points (Validation No. SACPCMP/CPD/13/004RV).

For further information contact Professor John Smallwood at:
E-mail: | Mobile: 083 659 2492

For registration and financial information contact Jackie Fort at:
E-mail: | Mobile: 076 263 0549

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