Students: Prepare now for the 2021 Advanced Concrete Technology course

The Zeitz MOCAA Museum of Contemporary Art Africa in Cape Town – the epitome of applied concrete technology Photos: Gareth Griffiths
South African cement and concrete industry professionals should be preparing now to be accepted as 2021 students for the SCT50 Advanced Concrete Technology (ACT) course, a certificate globally accepted as the pinnacle in concrete technology.
This is the advice of John Roxburgh, lecturer at The Concrete Institute’s School of Concrete Technology.
The School of Concrete Technology (SCT) has confirmed that it will again offer tuition for the SCT50 Advanced Concrete Technology (ACT) course in January and February 2021. The School offers this highly prestigious course every two years and enrolment for the 2019 presentation has already closed.
“The Advanced Concrete Technology examinations and diploma – presented by the School on behalf of the Institute of Concrete Technology in London – is a challenging course, with examinations covering over 60 topics in concrete technology. So, extensive and intensive preparation is needed simply to start the studies.
Advance preparation
“The School of Concrete Technology therefore recommends that in the two year lead-up to the 2021 ACT course, prospective students should enrol for and complete three courses offered by the School: SCT30 Concrete Technology, followed by two important concrete technology and construction courses: SCT41 General Principles and SCT42 Practical Applications.”
Roxburgh says the SCT30 course covers important concrete technology concepts to prepare students for SCT41 and SCT42. “These are essential firm foundations from which attempts at the ACT diploma should be launched. Both provide sound general introduction to most of the topics covered in the ACT. In fact, a prerequisite for being accepted for the SCT50 Advanced Concrete Technology course is a pass in both the SCT41 and SCT42 courses.”
He says it therefore makes sense to use the two years ahead to become fully prepared technologically before the School starts its 2021 Advanced Concrete Technology training.
The School’s broader 2019 Education Programme is now available and contains full details about the above and all other courses to be presented in Midrand, Cape Town and Durban next year.
For full details, phone 011 315 0300 or email or visit
I an currently working in a civil laboratory as a Assistant Materiaal tester as I see many opportunities in this industry but only possible if one have the necessary qualifications.Is there any courses that you offer that i can do by correspondence.
SA Builder as a publication does not offer any courses, but go to to see what is on offer
I am a holder of construction diploma level6 . I need to study a diploma in concrete tech . I have 15 years of exprience working as a site agent
Please contact The Concrete Institute on 011 315 0300